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Want to help build homes for Gjoa Haven’s dogs?

Michelle Tuma in a supplied photo
Michelle Tuma in a supplied photo.

Veterinarians Without Borders and Makerspace YK will host a workshop on Wednesday to build doghouse kits for Gjoa Haven, Nunavut.

The workshop will be led by Yellowknife veterinarian Michelle Tuma, from Veterinarians Without Borders’ Northern Animal Health Initiative (NAHI), alongside Aileen Ling and Miles Neglak-Voss of Makerspace YK.

“Providing animal guardians with houses for their dogs is an important step in increasing the health of dogs, and other animals, across northern communities,” said Tuma in a press release.

“Given the North’s harsh winters and other inclement weather, along with the risk of potentially dangerous wildlife encounters, these shelters will provide dog guardians with an additional resource in helping keep their dogs healthy and safe.”

All-season doghouse kits created at the workshop will be shipped to Gjoa Haven flat-packed, so they can be easily assembled and distributed to isolated communities.



The workshop will be hosted from 1:30pm on Wednesday at Makerspace YK.