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Partner with Cabin Radio

We are proud to work hard with local businesses, government agencies, and non-profits throughout the NWT to make ad campaigns that shine.

Want to advertise with us? Email the team to get started.

Cabin Radio exists because business owners, decision-makers, and stellar volunteers up and down the territory choose to partner with us when they have something to say.

They know we won’t treat them like just another client.

  • We offer the lowest prices we can
  • We bring real creativity to your campaign
  • Your money stays in the NWT (we are totally independent and northern-owned)

Every organization we work with has different needs and a different message. That means they need a unique approach – so we take the time to create custom-built ad campaigns, from scratch, that have maximum impact and that audiences will actually enjoy.

Yep, our audience enjoys our ads.

We get tens of thousands of views for video we create with and for our partners, because we invest in making things people actually want to watch. Our radio ads resonate – Cabin Radio’s listeners identify with businesses who support community broadcasting. They take time to understand web ads that appear alongside high-quality content they trust.

To get started with Cabin Radio, email us with your contact info and we’ll be in touch. (Ask about our metrics documents – we’ll send you our latest monthly report, showing you who we reach and how they engage with us.)

Here are some of the ways we can team up with you:

Social video

We make funny, compelling video ads that entertain people while getting a message across.

Our ads make people proud of where they live; make them aware of what’s going on around them; and help them understand more, in clear, simple terms, with a touch of humour.

We have a vast range of options for social video – we’ll work closely with you to get your message just right while providing our own mix of characters, personality, and verve that can’t be replicated elsewhere.

Talk to us about creating a video campaign with your company, agency, or non-profit.

Web advertising

Cabin Radio’s website is one of the NWT’s most-visited, with hundreds of thousands of page views per month.

More than that, people turn to us for high-quality content. Your brand and message appear alongside journalism our audience trusts and values.

We work hard to keep the cost of our web ads to a minimum so businesses of all sizes have access to a platform like this. If you’re running a major marketing department or just starting out on your own, you’ll find the value we offer hard to beat. (And we’ll create your ad for free, or run it just the way you designed it – up to you.)

There are even bigger discounts if you sign up for three months or more. Talk to our team for details.

On-air advertising

Remember when there wasn’t much choice about where to run a radio ad? That’s all changed.

Now you can reach the NWT’s newest and most passionate audience at some of the lowest rates available.

Talk to us about running a series of 30-second radio ads on Cabin Radio’s live stream – your message brought to the influencers, lifelong northerners, and early adopters who make up our listenership.

To our listeners, Cabin Radio is not background music to be ignored or endured. It’s fresh, new, vibrant, and relevant. Your message will cut through like nowhere else.

Show sponsorships and more

Love one of our shows? Make it your own – for one episode, or a whole season. Talk to us about show branding opportunities.

We also offer a range of specialist options for partners who want more from their advertising: from Instagram Stories paid promotions through to your ad on our mobile app, now used daily by more than 2,500 people.

To find out more, email the team with a short summary of who you are, your message, and what you’re thinking of. We’ll get going right away, team up with you to pick the best options for your needs, and help you make ads that work – simple as that.

Other services

We also offer custom photography and videography, graphic design, publication design, drone photography and videography, video equipment rental, and full-service advertising campaign delivery including all elements of multi-platform campaigns across web, radio, video, social and print. Talk to us today to explore your options and work with our team.