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A Cabin Radio microphone in Studio 1

I don’t like what I read in a Cabin Radio news article. Now what?

Cabin Radio works hard to report the news fairly, accurately, and robustly – but we know our journalism covers a wide range of important and complex issues, and we don’t get it right all the time.

Not everyone will like what they read in our reports. The nature of our work involves writing things that some people may prefer we did not publish.

However, we aim for all readers – whether or not they like a Cabin Radio news report – to understand why we wrote what we did, and to feel that the reporting was fair and balanced.

If you feel a Cabin Radio news article does not meet that test, we would like to hear from you.

For example, you should get in touch if any of the following is true:

  • You believe an article to be factually inaccurate and are able to provide proof of the correct information.
  • You believe an article to be factually inaccurate and are able to guide us toward the correct information.
  • You believe the tone of an article to lack impartiality or present the facts in a way unfair to one or more of the parties involved.
  • You believe an article to be missing key information that would, if reported, materially change the nature of the report.
  • You believe an article to lack the relevant context necessary for the issue to be appropriately understood by our audience.

We strive to provide reporting that residents of the Northwest Territories can rely on. That means no political bias, no favours for friends, no opinion-led journalism, and no selective reporting (choosing facts to fit a narrative, rather than reporting everything we know).

That also means accountability. We respond to criticism of our reporting on social media, and we make amendments where we judge that criticism to be warranted. We provide a register of our journalists’ interests to aid the transparency of our reporting. We listen to people affected by our journalism or concerned that something is not right.

How to get in touch

If you have a concern, we would like you to email our head of news, Ollie, or call 867-688-0105 to reach him.

You can also leave a comment or send us a message via social media, which we check regularly, but there is a chance we may not see all comments and messages. Contacting our head of news directly ensures your views are received quickly and allows us to respond in a timely manner.

If your concern is regarding the factual accuracy of a report, we ask that you include any information (links, photographs, or other files) that may help us swiftly correct the article.

Note that we also welcome visitors to our studios at 5007 50 Avenue, Yellowknife. Where possible, please provide Ollie with advance notice of your visit (click here to email) so we can ensure someone is present to assist you.

Our request of readers

Lastly, it’s important to note that our reporters are members of your community. They live and work in the Northwest Territories, care about their home towns and the people around them, and are striving to faithfully and accurately report the news for the benefit of their friends and neighbours – who are often, in our small population, the subjects of their journalism.

We promise we will always work hard to produce accurate, reliable reporting. In return, we ask that you read our work in full before passing comment upon it, show respect for our reporters and other readers on social media, and work collaboratively – not adversarially – with us to deliver the best-possible journalism for the NWT.