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How to drop in on NWT Culinary Festival events this weekend

A meal prepared using vegetables grown in Yellowknife
A meal prepared using vegetables grown in the NWT. Ollie Williams/Cabin Radio

The first NWT Culinary Festival has begun in Yellowknife with a tasting event on Thursday evening, and will run through to Sunday afternoon.

Friday’s fish fry is moving to the Yellowknife multiplex to help feed evacuees from the Behchokǫ̀ wildfire, and many of the weekend’s ticketed events are understood to be at or near capacity.

However, the festival also offers plenty of opportunities to get involved for free.

Here’s a quick guide to things you can see and do as part of the NWT Culinary Festival at no charge, as published in the festival’s official schedule.

All weekend, including Friday

Delicious, an NWT food history exhibit at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, is open.



Yellowknife’s visitor centre inside the lower Centre Square Mall is screening profiles of local chefs and cuisine, plus daily tasting events that are free to attend from 11:30am till 1:30pm.

The Beauty of Food art show is appearing at Gallery on 47th, the art gallery on, uh, 47th. Open 10am-4pm.


10am-12pm: Meet the Growers self-guided garden tour. Seven producers around the city are opening their doors in this two-hour window – grab the PDF showing their locations and stop in.


From 10am there’s a pancake breakfast at Somba K’e Park, followed by a “best of the NWT’ showcase at the same venue from 11am till 3pm: “best bannock, best pie, best stew, best tea, best banana bread and more,” the schedule promises.

Still at Somba K’e Park, a “Saladbration” will take place from 11am till 1pm involving a giant salad toss. There are then family picnic-style games from 1pm till 3pm, and a closing ceremony at 3pm.

Note that tickets are still available for some of the festival’s paid events. For more information, check out the schedule PDF or the festival’s tickets page.