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Ralph Beaulieu search continues with a focus on footprints

Vehicles parked at a search site for Ralph Beaulieu are seen in a submitted photo.
Vehicles parked at a search site for Ralph Beaulieu are seen in a submitted photo.

Even as RCMP say their search operation has concluded, a member of Ralph Beaulieu’s family says relatives are still working to find him.

Karen Makynen says the search for her brother Ralph – they share the same father, Gabe Lafferty – continued into Wednesday evening after footprints were found and will extend into Thursday and beyond.

Ralph, 54, hasn’t been seen since he went out on the land between Yellowknife and Behchokǫ̀ at the end of April. On May 8, he wasn’t at a cabin some 40 km west of Yellowknife where he had been expected, at which point search efforts began.

“Last night, they were out searching again in a different area where they never searched before,” Makynen said on Thursday morning, describing the continuing efforts of friends and relatives.

“They found more footprints – bare feet.”



Makynen said the evidence uncovered in the area so far suggests Ralph had lost his shoes, had shot at something using his gun, and had stepped on his glasses.

There would have been snow on the ground in late April, she said, complicating a search for footprints, but now some prints have turned up.

“They’re going to look more in that area” on Thursday, she said of the searchers.

On Wednesday, RCMP said their active search and rescue operation had concluded, just under two weeks after Ralph was first reported missing.

Police said an “exhaustive search of the area” had taken place and an investigation into Ralph’s disappearance would remain ongoing.