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Two dogs in Tuktoyaktuk show signs of rabies

Meaghan Brackenbury/Cabin Radio.

The Northwest Territories Chief Environmental Health Officer is advising residents in Tuktoyaktuk that two dogs were seen with signs of rabies in the community on Wednesday.

According to the advisory, symptoms in animals that have rabies can include being fearful, aggressive, excessive drooling, difficulty swallowing, staggering, walking backwards, abnormal vocalizations, paralysis and seizures. 

Anyone in Tuktoyaktuk who has been bitten, licked, scratched or in contact with a dog or fox showing signs of rabies, or a dog that has been attacked by an animal showing signs of rabies, should immediately contact the Rosie Ovayuak Health Centre. 

Anyone who sees a dog showing signs of rabies or who’s dog has been attacked by a fox should contact their local Environment and Natural Resources office.



Rabies is an infection of the brain caused by a virus which spreads though the saliva of infected animals. Rabies in humans can be fatal without treatment.

The Department of Health and Social Services recommends that residents get their dogs vaccinated for rabies, and that people who regularly handle wildlife and animals like hunters and dog mushers ensure their rabies vaccinations are up to date.