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Canadian North says Chris Avery has departed as CEO

Chris Avery is seen in a handout image issued by First Air
Chris Avery is seen in a handout image issued by First Air.

Chris Avery has left the role of president and chief executive at Canadian North, the airline said in a news release on Thursday.

Avery, formerly a vice-president of First Air, led First Air into its 2019 merger with Canadian North then took the helm of the newly formed airline, which kept the Canadian North name.

Rashwan Domloge, a Canadian North executive since 2008, will be the airline’s interim leader while a replacement is found.

No reason for Avery’s departure was given. Canadian North’s website still listed Avery as president and chief executive as of 2:15pm on Thursday, three hours after the airline had announced his replacement.



Canadian North said Avery left his position on Wednesday. On the same day, Avery shared news of an industry award for Canadian North on LinkedIn.

Without mention of any role change, he wrote: “It is great recognition of the incredible people in our company who strive to look after our customers, the communities we serve and each other every day.”

Canadian North’s board, in a statement, thanked Avery for his contributions and wished him well in future.

The airline’s executive chairman, Johnny Adams, said of Domloge’s appointment: “As we move through this time of transition, being able to rely on Rashwan’s consistent leadership approach and commitment to our airline’s operations is vitally important.

“We know we can depend on Rashwan and so can our employees, customers and the communities we serve.”